Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Fox To Televise UCLA-OSU Game

By Bruin Basketball Report

Fox Sports Network has reversed its decision and announced Thursday's UCLA game against Oregon State in Corvallis will be televised live by Fox Sports Prime Ticket and FSN Northwest starting at 7:00PM.

UCLA Coach Ben Howland first learned on Tuesday the game was not going to be televised at his weekly press conference. "That's a surprise to me," Howland said.  "That's disappointing.  We should get that changed."

The Pac-10 conference has a contract with Fox Sports to have its games televised regionally and nationally.  Last summer, it was decided the game between two likely high-ranked teams, Washington vs. Arizona, would be televised as opposed to the UCLA vs. Oregon St. game.

Oregon St. had been asked to move its game to an earlier 5:30PM start time to accommodate the TV scheduling but it was denied by their administration.  Then earlier this week UCLA Athletics asked Fox Sports for a waiver so the Bruin game could be televised at least in Southern California but the request was declined by the network.

Apparently after multiple calls from irate fans and increased pressure from the university, Fox Sports Network finally relented and reversed its decision.

"We thank Fox Sports Netork and FSN Prime Ticket for deciding to show the fans in Los Angeles this important Pac-10 game," said Associate Athletic Director Marc Dellins. "This is a great service to Bruin fans throughout Southern California."

Kudos to Fox Sport Network for doing the right thing.



At Jan 3, 2007, 8:39:00 AM, Anonymous James Bower said...

Great news!!
I'm glad Fox network came to its senses. How could you not televise the No.1 team in the first place??

At Jan 4, 2007, 5:44:00 AM, Anonymous BruinTime! said...

I was one of the "irate" fans who contacted them. I had to voice my displeasure with them and glad they listened to all of us...It would have been ashame if it was not televised....Even if they are not rated number 1, ALL UCLA b-ball games should be televised. It's ridiculous to think some games only have radio coverage. I have over 200 cable channels of garbage, but they have trouble airing all the games?? what a joke...
But I am damn happy I get to watch my team destroy Oregon tonight.

At Jan 4, 2007, 6:38:00 AM, Anonymous BBfan said...

WTG Bruin Time. Thanks. Good to hear the "MAN" actually listens sometimes.
Go Bruins!


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