Coach John Wooden Post Office Dedication Ceremony
Courtesy of UCLA Alumni.netCoach John Wooden is scheduled to receive a special 96th birthday present on October 14 – a post office named in his honor.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
10:00-11:00 AM
United States Post Office
7320 Reseda Boulevard
Reseda, CA 91335
Reseda Boulevard between Canby and Wyandotte will be closed for the ceremony.
1. Welcoming Remarks: Postmaster
2. National Anthem: UCLA Student Performer
3. Invocation: Mike Warren ’71
4. Presentation of Colors: U.S. Navy Reserve
5. Speakers:
- Post Office Representative
- Wooden Family Member
- Coach Valorie Kondos Field ’87
- Los Angeles City Councilmember Dennis Zine
- Congressman Brad Sherman
- Coach John Wooden
6. Unveiling of the Plaque
Contact Mannik Sakayan, assistant director of UCLA federal relations at 310-794-0760 or
Special Postmark:The U.S. Postal Service is offering a special pictorial postmark in commemoration of the dedication of the Reseda post office building to UCLA's John Wooden on October 14, 2006. There is no charge for this special postmark, but it will be available for only 30 days after October 14.
The special pictorial postmark will be available at the Reseda post office during normal lobby hours -- or via mail by sending the item with postage affixed, under cover to:
John Wooden Postmark, c/o Postmaster
7320 Reseda Blvd.
Reseda, CA 91335-9998
Be sure to include special instructions and your return address and phone number.
Any item can be postmarked as long as it is of a material that will absorb ink and postage is affixed. Other than envelopes and postcards, some items commonly submitted for postmarking are programs, books, posters and backs of photographs. One could even have a basketball postmarked as long as there is a postage stamp affixed. Allow enough room for this special postmark – it is 3.5” by 2”.
All requests must include a stamped envelope or postcard bearing at least the minimum First-Class Mail postage. Customers can also send stamped envelopes and postcards without addresses for postmark, as long as they supply a larger envelope with adequate postage and their return address. After applying the pictorial postmark, the Postal Service returns the items (with or without addresses) under addressed protective cover.
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